A day in our life :: Sacramento Lifestyle Photography

The last 2 months have flown by, as they always do with kids.  We’ve had great days and tough days just like every other family but we get through them stronger and with our hearts full.  Knowing how fast this stage in our lives flies by I have been keeping my camera readily available whenever there’s a moment that I never want to forget, but of course sometimes I can’t be quick enough, like when Evan decided he was going to pick up Jacob all by himself and say “look mommy, I hold Jacob!” and he was so proud of himself.  I wasn’t sure if I should freak out or grab my camera, but I played the smart move and quickly helped him set the baby back down on the couch safely before he dropped him onto the hardwood floor.  But just these moments that we have as a family on a daily basis I never want to forget, bath time, playing at the park, the walks we take in our new double stroller, hanging out in the backyard with our fur babies and hanging with grandma when she comes to visit.  All of these moments are gone too quickly and the only photos I regret are the ones I didn’t take, so I am snapping away!

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