Every year we look forward to our family camping trip to our favorite place on Earth, Bridgeport. The trip always goes by way too fast and we always feel like we didn’t get to do everything we wanted but we enjoy every minute of it.
Can I get a little personal today? 10 years ago this year I officially (and legally) started Jacqueline Photography, and 10 years ago this month I decided to begin this adventure of photography full-time. This meant leaving the security of a paycheck and health benefits from a job I despised going to, sitting at a […]
I can’t even believe tomorrow is March, where has 2017 gone already?! And it only took me almost 2 months to edit and post these photos from my fun trip to Portland, Oregon back in January. I met so many like-minded, creative, passionate, loving individuals at one of my favorite photography conferences, Mystic Seminar. I […]