It makes me so sad to say it out loud, Jacob is 7 months old already and I have no idea where the time has gone! I remember so vividly being pregnant and feeling guilty and a little sad because for the last 3 years Evan had been the center of our Universe and now our time would be split between 2 kids and I was afraid of how Evan was going to handle it. Once Jacob was born Evan was an amazing big brother, he didn’t want to touch the baby but he observed him from afar and never seemed to get jealous because we made it a point to give him extra attention and him and I would go on little mommy and son dates every once in awhile. Then we went camping right around when Jacob turned 6 months old and everything changed, for the good. Evan started interacting and playing with Jacob and when we got home from our trip Evan was obsessed with Jacob, he even told me “Mommy, I don’t want to go to school, I just want to stay home and play with Jacob.” It was then I realized that the best thing we ever did for Evan was to give him a baby brother. He is constantly trying to teach him things and his favorite thing to do is make Jacob laugh. Anytime Jacob cries Evan immediately says “Jacob it’s ok, you don’t have to cry” and tries to console him. It is amazing to watch the two of them together, Evan constantly teaching Jacob and Jacob always watching his brother, I’m sure he’s taking it all in and will be just as crazy as his big brother one day.
It is definitely a lot busier with 2 kids, that’s for sure! I remember being on top of posting pictures of Evan once a month on my blog, now with Jacob I take a lot of pictures but they tend to sit on my computer waiting to be edited for months. One of these days I will get caught up on their pictures but man I just LOVE these 2 boys!
by Jackie
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