You may or may not know that I am a HUGE animal lover. Like, I want to adopt every animal that doesn’t have a home but my husband always has to say no. And if we were ever to have a house in the future with property we would foster homeless animals and find them good homes. My love for animals has definitely rubbed off onto my husband, Scott, and hopefully will on Evan as well.
A couple weeks ago Scott told me that some birds were starting to build a nest on top of one of our downspouts in the backyard and I thought for sure he was just going to hose it down so they would build their nest somewhere else, but to my surprise he said “maybe I should build them a perch?” I was shocked and so excited that he was going to do this, and then Evan would be able to watch the birds. After he put up the perch the birds got to work and built their nest and then laid 2 eggs. Evan and I would go in the backyard everyday and say “hi mommy bird” to whichever one was watching over the eggs (I can’t tell which was female and which was male, so they both were mommy bird to Evan). When we got home from vacation the babies had hatched and were a good size by that time, unfortunately only 1 made it, we aren’t sure what happened to the 2nd baby. A few days after arriving home we were hanging out in our backyard BBQing for the holiday weekend and the baby bird was on it’s perch by itself and decided to try and fly which didn’t work out so well because he ended up crashing into our neighbor’s shed. Scott and a friend of ours helped to put the bird back in it’s nest (wearing gloves). We noticed the bird’s leg was hanging out from underneath which isn’t normal and came to the conclusion that it was broken. I felt so horrible and helpless.
After the holiday I called around to find out what can be done or if this is something that would heal on it’s own and I was directed to the Wildlife Care Association. I learned that they take in injured wildlife, take care of them and make them healthy again and then set them free. They saved over 7,000 birds just last year and they do it for FREE relying on donations. What an amazing association right here in Sacramento! If you have the opportunity to save an animal please don’t hesitate to contact them: 916-965-WILD (9453) and visit their website to learn more and donate to this awesome association:
Here are some pictures of the birds, which we learned are doves. Excuse the quality, they were taken on my iPhone.
by Jackie
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