Tag Archives: destination wedding photography

2012, A Year in Review :: Then Comes Marriage Part 2

So many great Sacramento and Destination weddings this past year that we had to make this a 2 part series.  So enjoy part 2!

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Eric & Maria :: Engaged

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2011 in Review :: Then Comes Marriage, Sacramento Wedding Photographer

With so many fantastic weddings this year it was so hard to narrow down my favorites.  2011 was such an incredible year in weddings and will be hard to top but I think 2012 is going to be even better, especially with our first international wedding which will be in Tuscany, Italy!  I am so […]

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2011 in Review :: First Comes Love, Sacramento Engagement Photographer

2011 was such a great year, in fact it was so fantastic!  I had the chance to work with so many awesome couples this year and traveled to some really cool places, I feel so blessed to have gotten to know each and every one of you, seriously you rock!  Here are my favorite Engagement […]

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