Tag Archives: california baby photographer

Madelynn :: 12 Months, Sacramento Baby’s First Year Photographer

Oh Miss Madelynn, you are always so adorable for our photo sessions.  I can’t even believe you are 1 year old already and though it makes me sad that our Baby Plan has come to an end, I am very excited your parents decided to document your toddler years so I will still be seeing […]

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Lilly :: 1 Year

I cannot believe little Miss Lilly is 1 year already!  She is trying to walk and has such an adorable personality!

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Lilly :: 6 Months

Lilly is such a precious little thing!  I love all of her facial expressions.

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Hannah :: Newborn

Hannah made her newborn debut in the studio a couple weeks ago and I cannot wait to document her first year!  She was such a little model baby!

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