Dear Jacob, we welcomed you into our crazy, fun and loving family on February 14th, 2014. I find it pretty fitting that you were born on Valentine’s day since it’s a day of love and having you in our lives leaves our hearts bursting with love. You have completed our little family. Your big brother, Evan, has been patiently waiting for your arrival. He would talk to you while you were in my tummy telling you all the things he was going to teach you and the toys he would share with you and of course that he couldn’t wait to meet you. He’s still a little unsure of how you got there because he will ask me “but mom, where’s the other Jacob in your tummy?” But he tells EVERYONE about you, and even though he doesn’t want to touch you when you open your eyes he gets so excited. He can’t wait to show you the world.
Being in this family means you will soon learn that as your mom I will document all your milestones and adventures and you will have a plethora of albums telling the story of your life. You will learn that our family loves to laugh A LOT and travel to new places and experience new things. Your daddy is most excited to teach you how to fish just like your big brother, but right now we are just taking in every adorable noise you make, every smile, even every cry because after these moments are gone they will be gone forever. You have completed our family, which means there will be no more babies after you, so I find myself holding you a little bit tighter when I snuggle you, and in the middle of the night after I feed you I hold onto you just a little bit longer before laying you down for bed. I know all too well how quickly you will grow up and I want to cherish every single moment and every single day of you being so tiny. You are just so perfect, welcome to our family.
by Jackie
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