Happy Anniversary My Love!

View More: http://wildflowersphotos.pass.us/willard8 years of marriage.  10.5 years of being yours.  3 apartments.  2 houses.  4 fur babies.  2 human babies and an endless amount of love.  I am so thankful for you.  Life is so incredibly busy right now, but I wouldn’t want to go on this crazy ride called life without anyone else by my side.  You are my best friend, my love and I am so lucky to have you by my side for my whole life.  The best part about our relationship is that no matter how busy we are we are constantly reminding each other of our love.  You hug me when you can tell I need your arms wrapped around me, which seems to be at least once a day.  You kiss me even if we are just crossing paths for 5 seconds.  You gently touch my neck and arms while I work away at the computer, cook dinner for our family or just when I’m just next to you.

I love you so much, but even those words don’t describe how powerful my love is for you.  From the moment we first kissed and felt those fireworks, we both knew that was it, we had found each other, our “one and only.”  This life we live and create together is more amazing than I ever imagined.

Happy 8 year anniversary my love, and cheers to many, many, many more!

 View More: http://wildflowersphotos.pass.us/willard

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